{{demographics.name|display_name}} is a {% if demographics.dob %}{{demographics.dob|age}} year old{% endif %} {% if demographics.race %}{{demographics.race}} {% endif %}{% if demographics.marital_status %}{{demographics.marital_status|lower}} {% endif %}{{demographics.gender|lower}} {% if demographics.religion or demographics.language %}who {% if demographics.religion %}is {{demographics.religion}}{% if demographics.language %} and {% endif %}{% endif %}{% if demographics.language %}speaks {{demographics.language|isolanguage|title}}{% endif %}{% endif %}. {{demographics.gender|gender_pronoun|title}} has {{allergies|max_severity}} allergies. In the past year, {{demographics.gender|gender_pronoun}} {% if encounters|since_days(365)|strict_length == 0 %} did not have medical encounters {% else %} had medical encounters {% endif %} and has {% if medications|since_days(365)|strict_length == 0 %} not had any medications prescribed. {% else %} been prescribed medications. {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if allergy.reaction.name %}Causes {{allergy.reaction.name|lower}}
{% endif %}No known allergies
{% endfor %}No known medications
{% endfor %}No known immunizations
{% endfor %}No known past encounters
{% endfor %}Reticulating splines...